Your Success
Begins with
Christian Education
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Featured Project
High School Reopening: 9th Grade!
2024 - 2025 School Year!
We are partnering with Los Angeles Adventist Academy in an endeavor to reach a $250k goal!
These donations go toward funding administrative costs for educators and students!
Any amount helps. We thank you for your sacrifice and support!
About Us
Save Our School (S.O.S.) is an Adventist Faith-Based organization, committed to encouraging, reinforcing, and maintaining a positive, flourishing Christian environment for each student.
We believe that every child should have a choice to be educated with God's principles and morals being the standard for our curriculum, social activities, and life-making decisions. We believe that our children should be taught how to serve in the community and be positive role models. We believe that Christian Education provides an avenue that can lead to a personal relationship with God. We believe that God - and committed learners and instructors - produce a LAMP, a Light in the community so all can see the way.
Anthony Paschal Sr.
"Direct your children onto the right path and when they are older, they will not leave it." Proverbs 22:6
Every child deserves to be given the best opportunity to develop the whole person to impact this world in a positive way.
“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.”
~ Stacia Tauscher
Deidre' Hodnett
​I see an educational center built on the Biblical Principle "... what we sow is what we reap..." in other words, what we put into our Youth is the fruit they will bear one day.
Our students at our school will display critical thinking skills that make them attractive to organizations around the globe.
Cassandra Hudson-Johnson
I see as foundational to Saving our School in the urban community of South Los Angeles, that we acknowledge challenges and create pathways that lead to systemic changes that bring about excellence and justice for American youth of color, second to none.
Ira Barksdale, Jr
Finance Officer
I see a system made up of constituents who are the students, parents, and their extended families, caregivers, businesses, and universities interested and committed to seeing results of our educational offerings that far exceed our past.
I see the education of black and brown youth as an urgent and most important issue of our high school students.
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal:
It is the courage to continue that counts.”
-Winston Churchill